Autobiographical Series
As an avid cancer advocate, Renault also released an autobiographical book in 2011, detailing her multiple bouts of cancer as well as many other “could have been deadly” experiences in her life starting at age 14! Anna’s Journey: How many lives does one person get? has just gone into reprint.
Anna’s Journey: How many lives does one person get?
Anna is an eight time cancer survivor but she’s also had other deadly experiences like a fatal car crash. Yet, this resilient woman has led an amazing life.
Anna’s Journey: Am I Accident Prone?
How many childhood accidents are considered normal? How many injuries are run-of-the-mill incidents that everyone has? How many kids get a fishhook caught in their eyelid? Who gets knocked on the head with a claw hammer? Anyone have a run-in with the wringers on an old-fashioned washing machine?
My 40 Year Dance with Cancer
An amazing life with multiple bouts of cancer, Anna Renault describes some of what she experienced and what she has learned through one battle after another over the past 40 years.
MITZY, the Butterfly Series
This series is written on a 4th-5th grade level to raise environmental awareness.
Anna Renault is, at heart, an environmentalist. Through her fictional friend, Mitzy the Butterfly, Renault is sharing stories about the environment, especially about some of the problems that our youth should know about and for which they can learn how to find the solutions.
Renault has written Meet Mitzy, the Butterfly: The Environmentalist as the first in a series of books to encourage children to learn and care for their environment. Mitzy, the Butterfly: What’s in your backyard? (book two) is also out. More MITZY books will soon hit the shelves!
BE WATCHING FOR MORE MITZY BOOKS as Mitzy’s adventures expand around the United States.
Meet Mitzy, the Butterfly: An Environmentalist
Mitzy, a fictional butterfly, introduces information about butterflies, rain gardens and edible garden. She also mentions rain barrels. Would you like to meet Mitzy and learn what’s in her yard?
Mitzy, the Butterfly: What’s in your backyard?
Written for children, but finding an adult audience too, Mitzy what’s readers to look at your immediate environment. What’s there? What’s good? What’s not? Is there anything you can do about it? Will you come along, make a journal and improve your environment?
Mitzy, the Butterfly: Look at the Trees
Mitzy introduces readers to her neighborhood and many of the different types of trees. She adds a bit about why they are so very good for the environment and how they are used in our everyday lives. Did you know that not all trees are green?
Mitzy, the Butterfly: A REUSE Adventure
Mitzy gets to visit a second-hand store and learns a lot about reusing items rather than throwing them into the landfills as trash. Want to come along to see what see finds at the store?
Mitzy, the Butterfly: Visits the Back River Trash Boom
Advocating for clean water and clean, safe waterways, Mitzy visits Back River to see the awesome job the Back River Restoration Committee (BRRC) is doing to improve the water quality and safety of the river as well as the Chesapeake Bay into which the river flows. This book is a fundraising effort for the BRRC non-profit to help support their efforts.
Mitzy’s Family Reunion
Just in time for a holiday celebration on the 4th of July, Mitzy decides to host a family reunion. COMING SOON in July 2017… Come meet some of Mitzy’s family!
FRANCINE, the Butterfly Series
This series is written for beginner readers, geared toward k-1-2 grade levels.
Meet Francine and Her Friends
(Volume 1) – Francine takes an afternoon hike to introduce some of her friends… some domestic animals like a cat, dog and squirrel but also some forest friends like a Buck, Doe and Fawn. Want to come along and meet these friends?
Francine’s First Train Trip
(Volume 2) – Francine, the Butterfly, enjoys sharing her exciting trip with readers. Going around the United States by train was definitely a beautiful trip – seeing a lot and having fun. Join the fun by reading what Granny Annie and Francine did, where they went and what they saw!
Cancer Series
Anna Renault is supporting the Cancer Support Foundation with her recently released book: Why Did My Dad Get Cancer? The book is for children and adults to open a conversation about how and why a parent is seriously ill, especially with something like cancer! This is a fundraising project for the CSF!
Why did cancer turn my life upside down?
Written from a child’s view of a family in crisis when a parent gets cancer… electric gets turned off… family gets evicted… living in a homeless shelter… the side of cancer people don’t recognize!
Why did my dad get cancer?
Written from a child’s view of what is happening in the house when a parent gets cancer and the never-ending questions of why? This book addresses some issues that rarely get recognized when cancer comes for a visit.
School Series
Annie Goes to Catholic School
A cute story of a six-year going to a Catholic school while her friends in the neighborhood attend the local public school… some differences she sees – the good and the bad.
Little Ozzie Goes to School: Bullying Confronted
(New Edition!)
A story of a young boy in first grade who has a bully in the class… the who, why and uh-oh!
Renault also loves to write poetry and has written many poems over the past several decades. She is now sharing those with her loyal followers… “Mothers: A Collection of Poems” has been published. “Celebrating Parenthood: A Collection of Poems” will soon be released.
Mothers: A Poetry Collection
A book of poems with pages inserted for children to write some of their own experiences as a keepsake for their mom.
My Angel is Heaven Sent
A book written by a child with a guardian angel who realizes her guardian angel is her best friend. She likes to write poems about her angel.
Daily Dose of Divine Inspirations for Mothers
It will help you become encouraged, equipped and empowered to be the best mother possible. With this tool of encouragement, equipping and empowerment, there’s nothing that will be impossible for you! Come take this 90-day journey with us. It will truly help to inspire you!
More Books
Remember When
This special “memory” book was designed to encourage readers to remember their favorite childhood activities. Pages were inserted where Readers could fill in their own personal details of their childhood fun.
Mary Lou
As a Mother’s Day gift for her mom, Anna Renault wrote some poems about her mother. Mary Lou was a daughter, sister, mother and grandmother. She was also a teacher and someone who learned to love to camp – first in a tent and then a trailer. There are a few general poems about mothers in the book too. It is available to give others a unique idea of what to give YOUR MOM who doesn’t want or need any more “things.”
My Competition Journal
After teaching baton twirling and cheerleading, Anna Renault saw how important getting information from friends at competitions was to the students. She developed this autograph booklet for her students to use at the various meets.
Photo Anthology Series
This series of books was developed to help raise funds for a non-profit providing assistance to cover non-medical expenses for cancer patients during treatment. Thanks to the writers for agreeing to raise funds for the Maryland non-profit, the Cancer Support Foundation whose mission is to assist cancer patients meet their needs – primarily the non-medical expenses. Thanks to all the readers who assist us in achieving this goal.
This House
Anthology Photo Series (Volume 1)
THIS HOUSE is a collection of thoughts from several authors. We hope you enjoy reading our creative interpretations of this picture and the resulting stories.
The Necklace
Anthology Photo Series (Volume 2)
This anthology is an international effort to write interesting stories about the photo of a necklace. Eight authors, eight different interpretations of what the necklace represents. Interesting! Exciting! Intriguing!
Verses from the Heart
Anthology Photo Series (Volume 3)
A group of talented writers joined together with stories and poems all based on John Morris’ painting, Springtime in the Mountains. Awesome collection of thoughts and feelings… love, love lost and so much more.
The Waterfall
Anthology Photo Series (Volume 4)
This anthology has been compiled with the submissions from 14 talented writers. Stories and poems all, in some way, relate to the cover photo of a waterfall taken by Author Teresa Hoddy who graciously agreed to allow this project to use her photo. Authors eagerly put their creative juices to work to come up with some very unusual stories for the readers enjoyment!
Evidence of Autumn
Anthology Photo Series (Volume 5)
With 12 contributing writers, EVIDENCE OF AUTUMN has some unique poems and short stories for the readers enjoyment. All submissions focused on the cover photo, provided to this project by contributing author Amanda Kirby.
The Cabin
Anthology Photo Series (Volume 6)
Using the cover art, The Cabin, by John Morris – Art from the Heart… each writer has submitted their heartfelt stories and poems for the readers entertainment. Without person-to-person collaboration, it is interesting to see the similarities in stories and the wide differences. It is certainly the hope of all contributors to the Anthology Photo Series, that all readers find lots of things that tug at the heartstrings, make them smile and perhaps shed an occasional tear. Enjoy this sixth book in the series.
The Church Tales
Anthology Photo Series (Volume 7)
Book 7 of the Anthology Photo Series is a small collection of short stories and poems submitted by writers who focused on the cover photo. A wedding – maybe… and memories… and more.
The Yellow Rose
Anthology Photo Series (Volume 8)
The Yellow Rose has short stories and poems, all focusing on the cover art… the fully blooming yellow rose. This photo was taken by the contributing writer, Anna Renault. (Note: Renault is also the project director for the Anthology Photo Series. The Yellow Rose is the eighth book in this series).

Anna loved doing book signings at stores & events.
She enjoyed talking to her readers and helped them pick out books from her extensive collection that matched their interests. She also encouraged others to find their voice, write their own stories and to also become a published author.