Anna Renault in June 2017 as she begins planning for a 30-day USA Rail Pass train trip
Yes, I have a “40” year history with cancer. Now, I strive to thrive living with a new diagnosis of Metastatic Breast Cancer.
My first cancer diagnosis was 1977. I had a tough time with a doctor who said the tests had to be wrong because I was too young.
Needless to say, he and I both learned that one’s age is not something that determines a positive diagnosis for cancer. I changed doctors. I got the life-saving surgery I needed. Thus, I’m still here to talk about that crazy first bout with the “Big C.”.
Since that time, I had two bouts in the 1980s and two more in the 1990s. Then, in 2005, I had a tough situation that nearly resulted in me bleeding to death during the surgery in March. Naturally, with my crazy body’s love of growing tumors, those pesky things grew back and a second surgery was necessary. Once again, I changed doctors; and this time, I also changed hospitals. Having cancer is hard enough without having to face ‘doctor issues’ that could result in my death!
In 2009, at the RIGHT hospital, I was fortunate to have the director of the breast center as my surgeon. My hematologist is also an oncologist so I was in good hands with doctors who knew me. Following that two-year battle, I was relieved that the breast cancer had not metastasized at the time of surgery which is what happened to my dad. Unfortunately, I had already followed in dad’s footsteps – once in the 80s… and twice in the 90s… enough already. Right? I prayed that the end of my cancer battle had been reached. Sadly, that prayer was not answered the way I had hoped.
No, in 2015, the breast cancer did metastasize to the bones and is now spreading to more places it has found to hide throughout my body. But again, I’ve continued to have my awesome oncologist/hematologist who is determined to keep me going. Me, personally!? I’m striving to continue to live a full, happy and exciting life. I want to THRIVE. I want to enjoy whatever time I have left on this earth. I want to continue writing and enjoying whatever the Lord puts on my path.
To that end, I am about to embark on a 30-day US Rail Pass… taking an Amtrak train all the way around the USA. Yes, I’m starting in the Mid-Atlantic. I’ll travel to the south, stopping off in Texas. Then, with the change of trains here and there, I’ll visit the entire Pacific Coast and then the awesome north – Montana and North Dakota. What more could one ask for. Yes, a few stops along the way to enjoy what Mother Nature has to share with someone who loves fall colors… and fulfilling my wish to see so much of this wondrous country – north and south, east and west during fall color season. I am truly blessed.
A few friends offered to help donate a little money to help make the trip financially sound without my need to charge, charge, charge things. (Thanks to all who have donated.) If you like to support this kind of effort, I have started a crowdfunding page. Any large or small donation is gratefully accepted. However, if you would prefer to support the effort in a different way, I have written more than a dozen books. Please visit Amazon and take a look. If you see something you like, feel free to purchase a book or two or more. I would love to have your support.
Of course, the trip has a dual purpose. I will be writing another Mitzy, the Butterfly book or two; possibly, a Francine, the Butterfly book to add to her series; and then, most definitely another “Anna’s Journey” book will result from this fantastic trip. Best wishes and tons of blessings to you. Thanks for visiting my website/blog page. There is also a Wellness 101 “Live” blog going along with a Facebook page for “Anna Marie’s Journey.” Feel free to visit one or all of those pages.
Twitter: @RenaultAnna